Team Yanzi (Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Sahlgren and Lars Ramfelt) accept their 2nd place trophy from IPSO Treasure Mike Justice (Grid Connect)
Contestants: Lars Ramfelt, Niclas Sahlgren, Marie Lassborn, Stefan Sandhagen, Fredrik Ljungberg, Anna Olofsson, Simon Gidlund Affiliation:Yanzi Place: 2st Award: $5,000 USD Contact Information:
Connecting millions of users with billions of things. Yanzi is a leading edge, scalable software, Internet-of-Things Cloud platform with highly integrated hardware products that guarantees the user experience end-to-end. Products are self-installed by the user (patent pending). The solution is secure and based on IP all the way to the sensors. The App for the phone is central for delivering the services.
How does Yanzi use Internet Technology?
Yanzi is always connected to the Internet and the user is thereby always connected with the things. Yanzi will communicate instantly over the Internet to give the user a good overview of the home, boat, cabin or any other site that has been connected. Using the Internet also makes it possible for the user to enjoy new services as they develop since the Yanzi App will evolve continuously.
Why did you choose to invent Yanzi? What problem do you see that it can solve?
With Yanzi, anyone can connect their things and the service is free. Yanzi is really easy to start and use.
What is the practical application of Yanzi for the everyday user?
To connect all things in a site to be able to monitor and control. To be at home when you are away.
Are there plans to produce Yanzi for the marketplace, or is it already a product that can be purchased/obtained?
Yanzi will be available in Europe after the summer. Check for latest news.
Why would you consider Yanzi to be “innovative”?
Super easy to start and use.
What would you like to see in the future for the Internet of Things? Why should more companies utilize IP?
Yanzi believes in openness and cooperation over the Internet and we would like to see more standards which make it even easier for the market to connect things for increased collaboration.
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